For a person considering cremation instead of a burial, they may imagine that their ashes, also called cremains, will be put into an urn and kept at the home of a loved one. They might wonder if the ashes will be sprinkled under a tree or into the water as well. However, with proper planning, there are many unique, beautiful ways to celebrate the life that one has lived with different uses of cremains. The following is just a sampling.

Golden ring with ashes isolated on black .Cremation Jewelry

It is not well known that people who are cremated can have their cremains sent to laboratories to create diamonds. The cremains are placed under high pressure for a matter of weeks and as a result, diamonds are formed. The diamonds can be obtained in many colors and can be cut in many ways. Because more than one diamond is created, this can be a wonderful way to allow multiple family members to have something of the person who has passed away.

The diamonds can be fashioned into all kinds of jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, rings and cufflinks are just some of the cremation jewelry that can be made as a result of the diamonds.

Coral Reef

For those who love the water, they imagine that if they’re cremated a relative will toss their remains out in the sea. However, they can do one better: they can be part of a coral reef. In this instance, concrete is mixed together with the cremains to form underwater structures that end up being home to fish and other sea creatures. Whenever loved ones want to “visit” their loved one, they can get on some scuba gear and enjoy a peaceful swim beneath the water to have a look at the reef that’s thriving.

Space Travel

If a person has always loved space, their cremains can one day travel there. Cremains can be put into a rocket and launched into space. Various companies offer tracking or video notification that the launch is taking place.

A New Tree

Rather than requesting that one’s cremains be planted at the foot of a an existing tree, it’s possible, in a way, to simply become a tree of one’s own. Many companies offer biodegradable urns that come equipped with a seed and soil mixture that allows the seed’s roots to expand into the ashes. Soon a healthy plant is growing. If desired, loved ones would then select an outdoor place to plant the tree and can create a small memorial there.

Plot Burial

Of course, it’s not unknown that people can be buried in cemeteries. What they may not know is that urns carrying cremains can also be put into the ground and buried. This may be useful for those with families who want to order a headstone and place the family member with other relatives.

Whatever one ultimately decides to do with their cremains, it’s vital to discuss the possibilities with loved ones so that everyone feels comfortable with the decision made.