Clothing, jewelry and other accessories are a fun way to express your personal style, no matter what the event you are attending. From a professional business meeting to a night out on the town, you can wear custom jewelry items to show off your tastes and interests. You can find them in all kinds of places and even make your own.

Golden ring in the shape of heart with diamonds. High resolution 3D imageThere are many unique jewelry items out there today, and many of the artisans who create them will also make customized pieces to please their clients specific interests. You will be amazed at the options that are available to you when you start shopping around. From super casual to custom jewelry crafted with precious metals and stones, the choices you have are sure to excite you.

One of the most popular themes for customized jewelry is the use of initials. You might want to have a well-reputed artisan who works with clay create a unique pendant using your favorite colors and initials. On the other hand, perhaps you would prefer to have the initials carved from a piece of hard wood. Either way, your pendant will be unique from any other out there!

You might also have the artist use a particular theme to make several coordinating pieces. For instance, if you are into magical lands and dragons, you might have the artist craft a ring, bracelet and necklace that use the same colors and images throughout. Earrings and other body jewelry pieces can also be customized so that you have castles, dragons and wizards dancing around your accessories.

The amount of money you will spend on a piece of custom work will depend on multiple factors, including the types of materials being used. You will also need to consider the workmanship that has been put into it, including the time spent acquiring the involved skills. For instance, a macrame piece that uses a dozen different stitches to create a complex design will be significantly more valuable than on depending on only two or three stitches for the same design space.

If the artist uses handmade beads or crafts them first, the cost will be higher than if they use bulk beads. Of course, that is the type of personalized attention to detail that you want when you opt for customized pieces. You can have more control over the colors and styles than you would otherwise.

The reputation of the artist and the demand for their work can also drive up prices. If you are interested in a customized jewelry piece by someone who is sought after, you can expect them to charge more than your unknown neighbor, even if the gal next door is equally talented.

Wearing the work of modern jewelry artists will give you the opportunity to celebrate their jewelry and your good fortune to have customized pieces in your collection. They will make great conversation starters while boosting your confidence when you are wearing them!