Whether you have an interest in buying an engagement ring, adding to your personal collection, purchasing someone a gift or some other purpose, there are many jewelry stores available to meet your needs. The best way to gain the most from your experience would be to avoid making mistakes along the way.

Jewelry store show-windowFailing to read the return/exchange policy at all jewelry stores where you shop is an error of epic proportions. There is always a chance that you will buy something and decide at a later time you no longer want it. Knowing the rules for the store where you shop will help you avoid any headaches if you decide to take the jewelry back. Every retailer does not offer this type of policy, so consider this before you buy anything.

Allowing price to be the main factor in your purchase is a no-no. It is wise to have a budget in mind when heading to the store, but you should never buy something simply because it is affordable. Do you really want to be stuck with a piece of jewelry you do not like at all just because it was the right price? There should be a balance between cost and preference.

Letting a salesperson persuade you into making a purchase sooner than necessary is a common error. Since they get a commission on everything you buy, they may be overly pushy with you. Stay tough and insist on making a choice when and if it is right for you. You should do some comparison shopping before buying anything; make it clear that you are only looking and you will be back if something catches your eye and you don’t come across anything better in another store.

Solely focusing on gemstones and forgetting about the metal used in the pieces available is unwise. The value and durability of a jewelry item depend on many factors, and the type of metal used is one of them. In some stores, there are selections that are available made of different metals, even if they are not on display. If you see something you like, yet it is made of a metal that is not appealing to you, inquire about your options.

Walking into a store and feeling like you are in a sparring match is a sign that you should be elsewhere. The person selling jewelry should be working with you, not against you. Their goal should be to help you find something you like and making sure that you make a purchase you are completely satisfied with. If this is not the vibe you receive when you enter, you would be better off shopping elsewhere.

Buying jewelry is something that should take a lot of thought and careful consideration. The mistakes here should be avoided if you want to have a positive buying experience. A great piece will last forever, and so will a bad one, so do your best to make the correct choice.